Two generations of Italian craftsmanship
It was 1972 when Bielle was founded in Pieve di Soligo (in the Northeast of Italy) by Antonio Brunelli and Ferruccio Lorenzon, who decided to create a carpentry workshop and combine their respective expertise in wood trading and woodworking.
Despite having limited production space and only a few manufacturing machines, they managed to develop very efficient and flexible production capabilities.
Thanks to the technical know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit of its two founders, Bielle soon became an important player in the Italian furniture market, and a trusted supplier of drawers, chests of drawers and other drawer components.
The early decision to specialise in this niche proved to be a successful strategy in guaranteeing a technically excellent, sturdy and durable product that could also
be tailored to clients’ requirements.
Over the past 50 years, the company has kept up with a rapidly changing market, evolving with it and adapting to the new needs of its clients. Year after year, Bielle has pursued a strategy of continuous reinvestment in new machinery and cutting-edge technology, enabling it to employ more complex, high-precision production techniques and offer high-quality products that exceed clients’ expectations.
Today the company is run by Riccarda Brunelli and Guido Lorenzon, daughter and son of Antonio and Ferruccio respectively.
They not only share the same work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit of the founders, but they also carry on their work with passion, following the authentic made in Italy tradition.
Under the leadership of the families’ second generation, Bielle continues to work according to the same values that have enabled its success and growth over the last five decades.

Now as then
Almost 50 years ago, Bielle was created thanks not only to the know-how of its founders but also to the friendship and strong collaboration between them. Today, under the leadership of the families’ second generation, Bielle continues to work according to the same core values that have made it possible for the company to start from a relatively small, but highly productive industrial district in the northeast of Italy and gradually expand to national and international markets, which now include the UK and the US.
We owe our success to the dedication and determination of all the people who, every day, make their important contribution to the continuous improvement of our products and manufacturing processes, as well as to the creation of long-term relationships with our clients and suppliers.
Our history is characterised by a skilful combination of our continuous focus on innovation, the ethos of a second-generation family business and the values of the authentic made in Italy tradition.
The technical know-how and artisan craftsmanship that we have gained over the last 50 years allow us to create beautifully detailed yet functional and durable products that are crafted using the best materials and the latest technology.
We aim to create long-term partnerships with both our suppliers and our clients. Attention to every requirement; collaboration; responsiveness; and professionalism are the core elements for us to consistently produce high-quality end products while, at the same time, guaranteeing the safety of our workers.
From the beginning we have kept pace with any changes in the market and we have evolved with our clients. This translates into our day-to-day approach to each project: we build our products step-by-step together with the client so that we can craft something unique and durable.
Year after year, we have pursued a strategy of continuous reinvestment in the business by acquiring new machinery and cutting-edge technology and by training our specialised workforce so that they can use our machines efficiently and safely. This enables us to employ increasingly complex, high-precision production techniques and offer our clients higher quality products.
The milestones in our history
Antonio Brunelli e Ferruccio Lorenzon fondano Bielle, un laboratorio artigianale dedicato alla produzione di elementi per cassetti.
Bielle inaugura la nuova sede, dove ancora oggi continua a operare.
Per rispondere alle esigenze dei propri clienti, Bielle affianca agli elementi per cassetti la produzione di cassetti assemblati.
La produzione viene integrata con una nuova linea di verniciatura.
Bielle estende la propria rete di clienti al distretto del mobile di Pesaro.
Il magazzino esistente viene ampliato con l’aggiunta di circa 4.800 mq coperti.
Viene costruita una nuova area destinata agli uffici.
La zona uffici viene ulteriormente ingrandita.
Lo stabilimento subisce una seconda espansione: circa 1.000 mq di nuova costruzione adibiti a magazzino.
Bielle amplia la propria gamma di prodotti iniziando a produrre cassettiere.
Bielle fa il suo ingresso nel mercato ucraino.
Viene acquistato un nuovo centro di lavoro a controllo numerico, che consente di ampliare il numero delle lavorazioni e delle finiture a disposizione dei clienti. Viene installato un compressore a risparmio energetico di ultima generazione.
Viene creato un nuovo reparto di montaggio. Viene installato un nuovo impianto di aspirazione, più ecosostenibile e che garantisce maggiore sicurezza per i lavoratori.
La nuova cabina di spruzzo migliora il processo di verniciatura e garantisce condizioni di lavoro salubri e sicure.
L’acquisto di una nuova troncatrice migliora notevolmente la capacità produttiva. Lo stesso anno viene acquistato un robot per l’imballaggio dei prodotti. Dopo un percorso durato due anni, si conclude la certificazione dell’impianto antincendio.
Viene acquistata una sezionatrice automatica di ultima generazione, che consente di aumentare la flessibilità produttiva, la precisione nelle lavorazioni e la produttività. Viene acquistato un terreno di 2.600 mq adiacente allo stabilimento produttivo destinato a essere utilizzato come magazzino.
Bielle inizia a operare nel mercato britannico, in particolare nel settore del contract.